Saturday, May 16, 2015

Finally, an update

We got into San Francisco on Thursday after a long 5 hour non-stop flight from Indy.  The boys were very good for the whole flight and they didn't even flinch when we hit some mild turbulence in the middle of the flight.

SFO's runway out into the bay makes for a very disconcerting final approach.

  We landed around 10am local time, grabbed our Chrysler 300 rental, and headed to Pier 39 to meet Kaylee and Allan. We walked around Fisherman's Wharf for a while and ate some amazing sea food at Louie's.  It had a gorgeous view of the bay and the food had been caught that same day.  There is no way to have fresh fish like this in Indiana!

After dinner we walked to the awesome Musee Mechanique and looked at their huge display of classic arcade machines.  And not classic in the Pole Position sense, which they also did have, but more in the early 20th century style.  You can see some of the machines in our photo scroll.  Some were creepy, some were cool and some were just odd.  There is nothing like a 10 foot fat lady screeching out a haunting laugh to really cement the memory of that place.

Allan found a few arcade vignettes that were actual games!

This is the final surviving piece of a giant, 450,000 toothpick amusement park made by a former Hollywood set builder serving time in San Quentin. 

Barbershop quartet, or nightmare fuel? You be the judge. 

The weirdest thing about Laughing Sal is this isn't the only one. We found a second, giant, terrifying Laughing Sal in Santa Cruz.

After all that we finally headed into San Jose to check into our hotel, met up with Jeff, and headed to see the Winchester House for the first time!

Lizzy likes collecting photos of Rob and Jeff, but only if neither Rob nor Jeff knows she's taking them. 

After all the excitement of the day, the five of us bolted down some local Mexican fare for dinner, picked Meredith up at the airport, and passed out for the night. 

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